Icomoon Font Icons

All icons downloaded through Icomoon will be installed as font icons. The benefit to Icomoon is that you can select from a huge library of icons, ranging in style and icon type, and quickly download a preconstructed .zip file with everything you need to get going. Icomoon is also free and doesn’t require any account registration.

Head over to Icomoon to get started. You should see something similar to the following:

Icomoon application overview.
Note: You can import additional icons from the Icomoon icon library by clicking on the hamburger button in the top left-hand corner of the page and selecting Icon Library or by clicking on the button with the 3 books next to the ‘Import Icons’ button.

If you’ve chosen to import additional icons from one of the Icomoon icon libraries what you see may look different then what’s above. The important thing is that you’re seeing icons in a grid, that you are able to select from.

Go through and select any and all icons you want to be included in your icon set.

Icomoon Application with selected icons for download.
It’s best practice (but not necessary) to keep icons of a similar style together in their own icon sets. Mixing and matching icon styles may result in icons appearing at different sizes due to the grid they were designed on. For example, Icomoon Free may be one icon set, whereas the Brands icon set from Icomoon may be downloaded and installed as a second icon set, alongside the first.

Once you’ve selected all the icons you want to include in this icon set click on Generate Font in the bottom right of your screen.

After clicking on Generate Font you should be taken to a page similar to this.

Next thing you’ll want to do is customize the preferences of the icon font. This is where you can set the Font Name and the prefix of your custom icon set.

Icomoon custom icon font preferences.

Once you’ve updated the preferences to your liking you can close the preferences window and click Download, again in the bottom right of your screen.

Click download in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

That’s it! Take note of where the .zip downloaded to as you will need it again to upload back into WPIcons Pro.

You can now proceed with Installing the New Icon Set.

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