The following is a non-exhaustive list of icon sets from third party resources that are known to not work properly with WPIcons Lite and Pro, for various reasons.

If you are encountering issues with an icon set from a third party, especially one that we recommend, please contact us. We will add it to this list and investigate the cause and possible solutions.


  • Gradient Round Icons

    The Gradient Round Icons icon set is known to cause some render issues. This is due to the inline stylesheets shipped with the svg icons and the shared class names between icons (eg: .cls1, .cls2 etc.).

    Solution: For a simple solution to the issue you’ll need to re-export the icon set from an application such as Adobe Illustrator. For step by step instructions on properly exporting your SVG files, please see our documentation article What is the best way to export my SVG icons from Illustrator?.

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